Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sex Hugs Punk Rock and Trolls - in other words. Home Sweet Home

Theres this little town located somewhere between San Diego and San Francisco. Its small. Sandy. Beautiful. Breezy. Its my home. I have been back here for just about 4 weeks now. I left a place that wasnt for me. And found my heart still here, still beating. It was a small adjustment getting here and getting settled. But in typical santa barbara fashion everything fell right into place. everyone lent out a hand to help me out. everyone smiled at me and for me from the day my plane set down.
It as well has been a hilarious adventure of the old kind. A group of perfect best friends living there lives in stride, up to no good and all good at the same time. boyfriends to hookups, breakups to what the fucks. new friends. new homes. the passing of energies. the annoyance of the loss of my mojo. the finding of my mojo. traveling soldiers. foreigners sleeping like sardines. pillow rooms. troll lairs. good friends reliving there glory days. beautiful men reliving them with me. family dinners. beach days. bronzing goddesses. laughter so loud the neighbors could complain. smiling till your cheeks feel like they might break off. strolling state street. warm embraces from old friends. cant go a block in this town with out meeting new boys or catching up with the old. date nights. happy hours. lesbian jokes. jokes on the lesbians. cats outta the bag chatter. and all of this in a days work. Its just the begining of summer.

and im home

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